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Intona: Or Parables of a Modern Nature

A churning kaleidoscope of stories within stories, an enchanting whirlwind of encounters steeped in irony.

Intona is the name of the prestigious and world-renowned art institute eponymously named after the exorbitantly wealthy Intona family. The institute serves as a fictional representation of modern western 21st century society, a backdrop to the story weaving its way through the lives of the characters.

In this post-modern allegory for modern life, essential questions are explored about the dangers of addiction to technology and distraction; about how this addiction to distraction lurks in the background, ready to seize us in our most vulnerable moments; about the pain of knowledge, and even it’s potential to overcome and destroy us; about timeless questions of art, artistic process, and whether or not who we become is the result of fate and destiny, or our own choices made wholly out of free will.

Throughout the novel, a technological threat approaches the Intona family–representing the recent history of technology's incremental creep to total societal domination over the course of the past two decades–and culminates in an unforgettable encounter with Artificial Intelligence that, given recent history, hits incredibly close to home.

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